Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why WCF RIA Services?

1. To provide best user experience the client application should be aware of business logic at server-side, WCF RIA service solves this problem by providing framework components, tools, and services that make the server-side application logic available to the RIA client without requiring you to manually duplicate the business layer programming logic at presentation layer.
2. RIA Client application always gets latest business rules as it get compiled.
3. RIA Services adds tools to Visual Studio that enable linking Client project(Silverlight) and Server project( in a single solution and generating code for the Client project from the middle-tier code.
4. The framework components support prescriptive patterns for writing application logic so that it can be reused on the presentation tier.
5. Domain Service - In RIA Services, you expose data from the Server project to Client project by adding domain services. Here, each domain service gets implemented as WCF Service.